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If you said YES to any of these questions, you are in the exact place you need to be to create a breakthrough with our work.
In Money & You™ – Access to Cash, you have the opportunity to discover the lessons that have been applied, tried and proven to work for over 37 years by some of the world’s best entrepreneurs and fastest growing companies.
Big change starts with you and your performance. While a book very rarely offers the sort of impact that one-on-one personal coaching can make, we have written this book with the questions that you need to ask to get clarity on what really matters to you in creating your financial success. Our hope is that you will discover – by the improvement of the quality of your life – how very rare a book like this is.
Dame DC Cordova has created the Money & You™ Book Series to respond to a need for accurate entrepreneurial education for those who are ready to raise their “deservability level” and wish to create organizations and businesses that not only add value to humanity, they are also profitable!
This is a limited time offer for people who are out to make a huge difference in the world. Our conversation promises to be the best and most immediate opportunity for you to lift the concepts provided in the book off the page and into your life.
Inside this book, you’ll discover:
Dear Reader,
I encourage you to get my best seller Money & You™ – Access to Cash book. In the USA you can also order the printed-on-demand (POD) version – or Kindle globally. This version can be read in smart phones, iPads and computers.
We have been making a difference through transformational, experiential, entrepreneurial education and “churning out” Social Entrepreneurs for nearly 4 decades!
If you are in alignment with our work, we’d love to hear from you and learn more about your projects, organizations and your legacy.
May your life be filled with success – both personal and business – health, joy, peace, prosperity and contribution for the betterment of humanity!
Dame DC Cordova
CEO, Excellerated Business Schools® for Entrepreneurs
Money & You®
Money & You changed my life and redirected my business career. The program is more about discovering ourselves than it is about money, yet in the process I learned more about money than I ever dreamed possible.
Robert T. Kiyosaki
Best-selling Author, Rich Dad/Poor Dad Book Series
Money & You is one of the most brilliant trainings on the Planet. I took it, learned it, and earned vastly more because of it. You can do the same or more.
Mark Victor Hansen
Co-Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul series, One-Minute Millionaire
Money & You’s work in education is powerful, profound and life-changing. I salute their efforts and I recommend it highly!
Anthony Robbins
Best Selling Author, Life Performance Master Coach
Before I attended Money & You and the Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs, I was scraping by with only $200 dollars a week. And within two years, I had achieved more financially than I had thought possible. I became a millionaire within those two years, earning between $50,000 and $100,000 per month working no more hours per week than the average employee – often much less!
Joseph Sugarman
Founder, Save Our Planet Investments Pte. Ltd. – Co-Founder, The Hour Glass Ltd.
In business, it is not task, money or products that make the biggest difference. It’s people and relationships. Money & You teaches this. I was so impressed by its effectiveness, I personally sent over 200 people – friends, family and staff – from The Hour Glass to attend Money & You. And the important tools the program delivered helped me create the platform from which I developed my ideas for sustainable ventures beyond my traditional commercial enterprises.
Dato’ Dr. Jannie Chan
Founder, Save Our Planet Investments Pte. Ltd. – Co-Founder, The Hour Glass Ltd.
As a passionate Social Entrepreneur and a promoter of the For-Benefit-Business Movement, I truly believe Dame DC Cordova and Money & You embody what this movement is all about. Addressing the social issues affecting our world decades before they became acceptable global business topics, DC is a true change maker in making the world a better place. At the core of her mission is creating more heart-centered business leaders and social entrepreneurs. Money & You is the training ground for that heart awakening.
Haider Nazar
CEO, Achievest
By 30 I was a self made millionaire, turning a $2000 investment into what is now a multi-million dollar a year company in the Business and Executive Coaching industry. If I were to pinpoint the program that had the most profound impact on making this happen I would say hands down was Money & You. I would not be the man I am today if it had not been for this incredible program.
Ben Croft
CEO, The WBECS Group
After graduating with honors from UCLA Dental School as a children’s dentist, I wanted to make a difference and add value to the world. I faced the daunting task of starting, running and growing my own business. Realizing quickly, I had no knowledge of how to create my dream. Fortunately I took the Money & You in 1980. At that time I had one small dental office in Oakland, California producing $350,000 per year. Within two years it grew to nine offices throughout California with a production of over $5 million annually. Through the principles I learned from Money & You, I was able to change the lives of 1000’s of people while leveraging myself to explore other passions.
Dr. Jeff Alexander
Founder & Creator Youthful Tooth Co.
In the 25 years since I was a participant in Money & You, I have devoted my life to the principles and practices that I learned there. For me, this is the ultimate power of this work…that the principles bring power, freedom of choice, simplicity and connection to every aspect of business and personal commitments. And, there is always more to learn and apply. I have used the technology to start two successful businesses, raise two delightful teenagers and bring fun, energy and intention to every area of life.
Kerry Zurier
MCC, Partner, Accomplishment Coaching Money & You Instructor
The Money & You Program has allowed me to release and clear many past emotional pains and blocks that no longer serve me. It supported me to become more empowered personally; to harness an abundance of money; to have excellent relationships with my family, business associates and friends; and to be an even more effective CEO and business leader.
Dame Wendy Tan
CEO, Globe Engineering SDN BHD
Money & You is one of the top courses I’ve ever participated in. Brimming with elegant distinctions, it provided me with a blueprint to take my successful work to unprecedented results, extraordinary beyond all expectations in the New York State Department of Correctional Services where I designed and directed the six-month Shock Incarceration Program which has more than 43,000 graduates, with the lowest documented recidivism rate in the nation which saved the New York taxpayers more than US$1.375 billion.
Dr. Cherie Clark
Co-Founder of Social Synergetics Director of Shock Incarceration and the Willard Drug Treatment Campus –New York State Department of Correctional Services
I have seen many people attend various financial training events only to do nothing with the information. Why? Because they were missing the Money & You training. It’s simply superb and needed by everyone. It’s the answer many are seeking without knowing it.
George Antone
Chief Wealth Strategist, Creator of The Family Bank Game
Money & You is much more than a seminar. It is an experience that will live with you and influence you for the rest of your life. The skills you learn are priceless. No matter what success you have achieved, take this course and experience a quantum leap in your ability to manifest your dreams and aspirations.
Andrew Barron
CEO, The Timber Barron
I have participated in seminars, workshops, and experiential trainings for over three decades. Money & You is the most impactful and transformational program I’ve ever experienced. The program opened me to a much bigger vision, set of possibilities for how I can make money and grow my platform to reach millions of more people. I realized how I was holding myself back, what I needed to change, and developed a new set of tools that empowered me to breakthrough to a higher level, as an entrepreneur, change-agent, and leader.
J V Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy
Ryll Burge-Doyle
Group CEO, Unita Group
I attended Money & You when I was just 23 years young. For me, it became a pivotal experience that laid the foundation for my future as a person and, as an entrepreneur. I used what I learned to produce incredible results across my whole career. Results ranging from establishing my first business at 23, with just $1,100 and no ability to get credit, to successfully selling that business for 6 figures just 4 years later. Later establishing a non profit foundation, stepUP and inspired some 19,000 underprivileged teens. On to founding a coaching and consulting space with 65 Franchisees all making a difference to the SME market in Australia and New Zealand. To now in my role as a Group CEO of a $100M construction company; putting my entire leadership team through Money & You to create a stronger culture of personal responsibility, cooperation, synergy, communication and a focus on win:win:win results. No matter which enterprise, the distinctions of Money & You are literally part of who I am and have been in business throughout. I am and will be forever and profoundly grateful for the education this program provided me at the start of my working life – it has been a gift.
Jeff Ghaemaghamy
Over the past 20 years I have built a business which has turned over approaching $200 million dollars of products in the anti-aging and wellness industry. I registered for the program out of curiosity –– not really thinking there was much I could learn in a short 3 1/2 day program. Well was I wrong!! During the program I identified a number of blindspots which I had never seen before. Post Money & You I have implemented a number of processes and systems which have seen my business become much less hands on and leveraged in short more profitable with less time. I am certain that over the next 24 months our business which has taken 20 years to build will double. If you are like me and more than a little skeptical, then you are going to love the program.
Donna Ghaemaghamy
Focus On You Limited
Over the past 20 years I have helped my husband build a multi-million dollar business in the anti-ageing and wellness industry, and then 5 years ago, I set out to make our money make money by investing in residential property (now a modest NZ$12 million dollar cash flow positive portfolio). After doing the Money & You program, light bulbs came on for me. I had believed we were very well leveraged in our main business, however I could see how our leverage could be even more leveraged. I cannot put into words how this program helped open up my mind to possibilities I hadn’t considered, in so many different areas of my life.
Craig Doyle
Founder, Burgin and Doyle Group
I have been a business owner and entrepreneur since my mid 20’s – established, bought and sold businesses in Australia and New Zealand. Doing this program in 2015 really made a difference to the context in which I operate in my business and personal life. I could see how to take my next venture and my self personally to a whole new level of success and contribution. The shift in results was so significant that my wife and I plus 2 friends bought the rights to deliver the programs in Australia and New Zealand. Whether you are in business, looking at starting a business or as an employee looking for personal growth and leadership, this program definitely delivers.
Glenn Head
Conscious Leadership Coach, Author
In 1981 Money & You changed the course of my life. I had recently left the Air Force as a Captain and started my first company. I was doing well and had many clients. Money & You awakened me to expansive possibilities that I could not previously see; opportunities to contribute to the evolution of humanity and create a legacy lasting far beyond the life of one person or company.
Marian Head
Author, Revolutionary Agreements and Gratitude Journal for a Healthy Marriage
Money & You transformed and expanded me from a successful, left-brained, should-driven workaholic U.S. Senate staffer to a more fully integrated creative expression of love. Since learning and applying Money & You principles, I have created a multi-million dollar business; enjoy great relationships with friends, family and business associates in three stellar home locations; and published four books to guide others to enjoy life while making their unique contribution to the good of the whole.
Kevin Bailey
Regional Manager, Monitor Money
I was able to immediately start implementing some of the techniques. This had a dramatic effect not only on our profitability but also on the harmony with which tasks were done.
Carol Holand
Business Owner
I woke up and realized I could do whatever I wanted to do in my life. Started a publishing company and have published 200 books as a result 20 years later. So it was an incredible experience.
Michelle Patterson
CEO, Women Network & California Women’s Conference
As CEO of Women Network and President of the California Women’s Conference, I have the honor of attending events all around the world and Money & You was one of the most transformational experiences to date, for both my daughter and I, as it relates to my relationship with money, which prior to the conference was challenged. Dame DC Cordova has been a light for so many who struggle with their ability to have a thriving relationship with money. The timing of the conference helped navigate me through my first year producing the largest running conference globally for women…thank you!
Vinod Kumar
CEO and Founder, Space Trek Global
I personally believe that if I had attended Money & You program 7 or 8 years ago, I would have given Mark Zuckerberg, a run for his money in becoming the youngest billionaire! The program has taught me the value of money and the power of me, unleashed.
Arthur Benjamin
Business Owner – DataMark, a US$74 million dollar company
I learned the entrepreneurial skills I could put into my business.
Eric Lofholm
Best Selling author of The System
One of the most significant training events I have ever done is Money & You! I regularly use the principles I learned at that training to this day. Attend! You will love it like I did!
Gerry Robert
Bestselling author – The Millionaire Mindset
If you want a Millionaire Mindset, you must attend Money & You. I did and it was fantastic.
Julie Sherborn
Editor-in-Chief, Elle Magazine
Money & You may not have made me a millionaire overnight, but it has made me richer in so many aspects of my life – both in the office and at home.
I am implementing cost-effective systems to promote greater efficiently and a positive environment. I recommend Money & You to all those who wants to realize and push beyond their own potential.
Kevin Bailey
Regional Manager – Monitor Money
I was able to immediately start implementing some of the techniques. This had a dramatic effect not only on our profitability but also on the harmony with which tasks were done.
Dr AR Ramesh Nambiar
Co-Founder, SHINE Group of Companies
Money & You has been a powerful instrument in aligning my business teams and global partnerships. It demonstrates the most important element for successful organisations and conscious global leaders, of the 21st Century: collaboration!
Simon Lim Geok Boon
Business Strategist & CFO of SHINE Group of Companies. Director, Armstrong Capitals Sdn Bhd
To me living the Money & You principles means to love comprehensively, no matter where we are from. The experiential games and learnings in the program makes it possible for us to connect at deeper levels and support each other in life.
Azeeza Jalaludeen
Co-Founder, SHINE Group of Companies
As a housewife exploring entrepreneurship, in Singapore, I was very inspired attending Money & You, in Chinese, in Oct. 2002. Within 2 months of attending the program, I launched one business idea that I got at the program that fetched me an ROI of more than 100% of my investment to Money & You, in 8hours! It was a huge self-esteem booster. Life has never been the same again. One of the greatest reward has been the global community of like-minded friends, who further inspired me to do soul-searching and live my purpose.
Ann DeVere
Executive Producer, Access To Experts
Money & You is the most transformational program I have experienced.
The principles I learned have transformed the way I see myself, my business and the world around me. I’ve learned what my natural strengths are, which makes it so much easier to interact with business associates, clients and my family.
My business is growing exponentially and designed to support the rapid growth in the global marketplace. Plus, I have incorporated a ‘do good’ component into every project we take on. Now I live my life according to my definition of success and that’s what I call freedom.
Carol Dysart, M.S.
Counseling – DISC Profiles Expert
What I got from my favorite course ever, Money & You, is that it has a lifetime impact. I still remember, and use, the tools, distinctions and insights I got about myself from my very first event… WAY back in 1980! My global network is expansive and I have access to contacts and wealth everywhere I go!